Patient FAQs
You can expect your first visit to take about an hour.
Our office offers appropriate relief available for just about every situation and every level of anxiety. Dr. Datar is licensed by the State of Colorado to provide intravenous conscious sedation.
The periodontal exam can usually be completed with little or no discomfort. Taking time and being gentle goes a long way to making you comfortable.
Everyone on our team is very sensitive to how many patients feel about the health status of their teeth. You can be assured that neither the doctors nor the team will shame you. It is our intent to help you become healthy, not to pass judgment.
If your referring dentist has taken x-rays, you may request that they be forwarded to our office. We sometimes need to take supplemental x-rays in our office. We also offer 3D cone beam CT imaging on site, which saves you a visit to another location. Cone beam CT is usually needed for dental implant planning, but is also used to diagnose periodontal, endodontic, and other oral conditions.
Our philosophy is to treat as conservatively as possible to attain your treatment goals. An approximate fee can be determined at the initial visit or shortly thereafter.
Not everyone needs periodontal surgery. If treated early, gum disease can be controlled without surgery. As with any health problem, the sooner an issue is addressed, the less treatment is needed.
Recent advances in treatment have allowed for the successful treatment of many periodontal cases. Determining a prognosis for each patient and each tooth is part of the assessment and treatment plan discussion.